Pedigree Database: G.M.'S ERIK*

G.M.'S ERIK* (GT) 

Sire: G.M.'S OGNJEN  CH 3xW 1xD 1xLG

GameDogs Pedigree
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Call Name: ERIK
Sex: male
Date of Birth: 2. 5. 2011
Land of Birth: Serbia
Land of Standing: Serbia
Chain Weight: 21 kg (46.3 pound)
Pit Weight: 19.7 kg (43.43 pound)
Colour: Fawn Brindle
Titles: CH 3xW 1xLG

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Kennels: G.M. KENNELS
ROM points: 1/4
POR points: 5/15
Racing name: Erik

1xW vs SIMIÆ's DZON 25 min
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2xW vs TOMY KENNEL'S ZIKO 2h 5min
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1xLG vs E.P.S.'S OSCAR 1h 10 min
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3xW vs MAKI'S FLOK 1h 10 min
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Breeding info

Pedigree statistic
M.I.T.'S SHIRA POR1x 50%
G.M.'S OGNJEN CH 3xW 1xD 1xLG1x 50%

Analysis pedigree
Coeficient of inbreeding (COI): 0.000 %

Ancestor loss (AVK): 100.000 %
This COI and AVK is calculated from 1 generations pedigree

Generations in pedigree: 4 5 6 7 8
      Dogs with color point indicate that the animal occurs multiple times within the present pedigree.



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